
25 noviembre, 2023

Immediate Edge Review 2023: Is it a Scam or Legit?

Their platform is accessible in most countries other than the USA. Simply visit their website to check if your country is on the list of supported regions and sign up to start trading. In today’s digital age, the protection of personal data is of utmost importance. As with any online service that requires personal information, it’s natural to wonder about how they handle our data. One of the more useful things about Immediate Edge is that you can trade all sorts of different digital currencies, not just Bitcoin and Ethereum.

  • Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be an app available on the app store or play store.
  • This makes it safe to trade and ensures trading on the cryptocurrency market without emotion or impulse.
  • Step 2 requires making a minimum deposit of $250 into the trading account, providing the necessary capital for trading activities.

Therefore, while this robot automates your trades, there is no guarantee that a trade will be successful. However, let’s analyze below some of Immediate Edge’s trading strategies to see how they benefit your trades. This platform makes use of robotic algorithms, which means that there is the least amount of human intervention. It enables you to trade bitcoin as well as other cryptocurrencies with the greatest amount of convenience. When it comes to Bitcoin trading, emotions can lead to costly blunders. Unfortunately, some traders make decisions about whether or not to buy or sell Bitcoin primarily on their emotions.

Bitcoin USD

However, it is essential to note that trading with leverage can also increase your risk, as losses can exceed your initial investment. It is always advisable to use caution and only trade with leverage if you fully understand the risks involved. Immediate Edge is well-known for its ability to spot lucrative transactions in near-real time. These algorithms can monitor the marketplace in less than a nanosecond. You won’t have to deal with a lengthy and time-consuming registration process any more. Immediate Edge features a quick and easy signup process that will save you time and effort.

  • However, given the inherent volatility of cryptocurrencies, caution is advised.
  • If you’re just starting out, it might be a good idea to first start with the $250 minimum amount.
  • Immediate Edge has an 85% success rate and it could speculate on even the minuscule price swings using scalping trading tactics.
  • Most regulators require brokers to segregate deposits and submit periodic reports detailing how the money is used.

You also tested the software on a demo account and learned how to use the Immediate Edge software. So, once you are ready, you can activate the system and let it start scanning the crypto market. One of the key factors to decide whether you should use an automated trading platform is the speed of withdrawing funds. The features offered on the platform are standard in the crypto trading space, and based on the way in which the trading robot functions, profits are certainly possible. Like any other automated crypto trading platform on the market, Immediate Edge can be a profitable option under the right circumstances. Immediate Edge software is among the few bots that provide 24/7 customer service.

Is there an Immediate Edge app?

An investor should be well-versed in the ever-changing planet of crypto. De-Fi trading will bring money and joy when entering calmly and confidently – ones of which don’t believe the Immediate Edge a scam accusations that fraudsters appear to enjoy writing. When you start trading on the Immediate Edge trading platform, you’ll get access to their 24/7 customer support. This means you can get help at any time, day or night, which is super convenient if you’re in a different time zone or like to trade outside of regular business hours. You can also contact them through multiple channels, including email and the contact section of their website, so choose the method that works best for you. The team at Immediate Edge understand that time is money in the world of trading, so they prioritise responding to customer inquiries quickly and efficiently.

For those who are interested to enter the exciting crypto market with an automated trading platform, Immediate Edge has the tools and the technology to help you do that. This is a major benefit for using this platform given the fact that the vast majority of other automated trading platforms typically do not provide direct customer support. The cryptocurrency market is still a promising investment tool – trading platforms allow you to earn money in both bull and bear markets.

Your access to this site has been limited by the site owner

The platform has almost all known cryptocurrencies and Forex currencies. Immediate Edge is available only in the web version, which is adapted to any device. It is reported that the number of platform users exceeds 100 thousand, but we do not find confirmation. There are also several mirrors –,, etc.

  • You are then required to open an account with the assigned broker and make a deposit of at least $250.
  • Platforms that offer a streamlined and user-friendly registration process make it easier for individuals to enter the world of cryptocurrency trading.
  • Our Immediate Edge review has shown that the robot is transparent with its fees and we couldn’t find any hidden costs or charges on its website.
  • The software encrypts the trading accounts of every user under a secure mechanism.

Immediate Edge collects various types of personal data from users, including name, email address, phone number, and payment information. There aren’t any fees for deposits or withdrawals either, and you won’t be charged any commissions or trading fees. This makes it an excellent option for new traders who are just starting and want to avoid high fees.

Immediate Edge UAE Khaleej Times

If you’re pressed for time and want a quick overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the Immediate Edge platform, have a look at the table below. This highlights the basic pros and cons of Immediate Edge in summary. Trading using Immediate Edge is not limited to popular cryptocurrencies. Immediate Edge has a large variety of coins to trade with in addition to main coins such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Although efforts have been made to ascertain the product’s information, the purchase is at the buyer’s risk. It is recommended to consult a physician before placing an order.

  • In the public domain, we do not find any information about him, as well as about other team members.
  • With the Immediate Edge trading platform, the newest technology has been used to ensure the most efficient, up-to-date cryptocurrency trading will be done on your behalf.
  • Here are some of the most valuable Immediate Edge reviews from users on Trustpilot and Reddit.

This should not be a problem given that you can leave the bot to run as you continue with your day to day activities or sleep. The bot makes money by charging a commission on profits generated by its users. This means that they go empty-handed if you fail to make a profit.

Five top pointers for beginners

Immediate Edge operates legally on the web; it works reliably, honestly, and with amazing services. As mentioned above, all Immediate Edge flop accusations are wrong, but let’s put the gear to another test. As soon as you invent an account on Immediate Edge is 100% free.

  • Over the years, the platform has gained the trust of thousands of crypto-holders on all continents.
  • The phone call doesn’t take long, and after which you can set up your account.
  • The legitimacy and features of the Immediate Edge platform will be explored, including its claim of achieving up to 85% accuracy in trading the cryptocurrency market.
  • However, we suggest that you start at $250 and grow your capital by plowing back earnings.

Also, every user has to complete the know-your-customer (KYC) verification process to confirm their address and identity. In addition, the bot uses SSL encryption with the aim of protecting your personal and financial information. Different security challenges have arisen as technology has progressed.

Autor juanferreyra

Mensaje del Rector


P. José Alberto Cuello, SDB

En la Plaza Educativa Don Bosco, desde cada una de las propuestas educativas que la integran, continuamos dando respuestas a las necesidades que experimentan nuestros destinatarios como personas y como entes  en relación; como hijos de Dios y, sobre todo, como hombres y mujeres que van construyendo sus propias vidas y marcando su propio rumbo. Con nuestro accionar procuramos lograr llenar el corazón y la vida de cada uno de nuestros destinatarios de esos valores y criterios  que realmente construyen al ser humano y lo ponen en la trayectoria de la realización plena de su existencia. Para ello seguimos apoyándonos en la experiencia educativa de Don Bosco a través del Sistema Educativo Salesiano, desde donde se ha logrado dar respuestas a las necesidades más profundas de del corazón de la juventud en todos los horizontes de nuestro planeta. Es de esta manera cómo en este año, en el que los Salesianos estamos celebrando los cien años de la presencia salesiana en las Antillas, nos propones continuar fortaleciendo nuestras propuestas educativas y con ello nuestro accionar, a los fines de lograr provocar que nuestros destinatarios logren sacar lo mejor de sí mismos, y de este modo puedan continuar  construyendo un proyecto de vida que le lleve al camino de la total y plena realización de sus vidas. Como gran comunidad educativo pastoral, en esta familia de la PEDB unimos  fuerzas y criterios, creando sinergia en la búsqueda constante del bien de aquellos que el Señor se ha dignado confiarnos su educación y su formación como persona, como cristianos y como entes sociales. Continuamos creando  espacios y oportunidades en los que todos podamos aportar con esta causa desde nuestras posibilidades y desde la función específica que cada uno desempeña en esta comunidad educativa. Resaltando la alegría que produce tanto el dar como el recibir, conjugamos un accionar en el que educando y educadores; padres y amigos;  bienhechores y colaboradores nos comprometemos  y damos pasos firmes hacia la misma meta: el bien de nuestros destinatarios. Las puertas están abiertas para que todos aquellos que quieran unirse y  formar parte de este vasto grupo de personas que, desde estos espacios,  vamos caminando y tratando de dar pasos firmes (inspirados por Don Bosco) en la construcción del Reino de Dios.



San Juan Bosco "Don Bosco"


16 de agosto de 1815 I Becchi, Reino de Piamonte-Cerdeña.


31 de enero de 1888 (72 años) Turín, Bandera de Italia Reino de Italia
Don Bosco nace el 16 de agosto de 1815 en I Becchi – Castelnuovo, un pueblo no muy lejos de Turín – Italia. Hijo de Francisco Bosco y Margarita Occhiena. Su padre Francisco murió por causa de una pulmonía cuando Juan tenía la edad de dos años. Después de esta muerte, su madre, Margarita Occhiena se encarga de su crianza y su educación, la cual estuvo marcada por un gran amor, pero también con mucha disciplina. Juan Bosco, desde sus inicios, específicamente desde los 9 años, recibirá un aviso divino que marcará el desarrollo de toda su obra. En este sueño, llamado como "el sueño de los 9 años", Jesús y la Virgen María le transmiten la esencia de su misión: convertir a aquellos jóvenes lobos –migrantes, maltratados en las fábricas, viviendo en una sociedad materialista (principal característica de la revolución industrial), preocupados solo por el dinero, envueltos en los vicios de las ciudades grandes –en mansos corderitos– jóvenes con amor en sus corazones y capaces de ayudar a los más necesitados, jóvenes críticos y dispuestos a trabajar para salir adelante y liberarse de sus vicios–. Estos y otros sueños que se vinieron sucediendo, aunque no fueron comprendidos en un principio, se hacen realidad en cada una de las obras que Juan Bosco emprende en favor de tantos jóvenes como son los oratorios, la apertura de los talleres y su preocupación constante por su educación teórica y espiritual. La "Sociedad de la alegría" es la primera expresión de esta preocupación educativa, sobre todo en valores. El 29 de marzo de 1841 recibe el Sacramento del Diaconado y el 5 de junio de ese mismo año es ordenado sacerdote. Su trabajo empieza en Turín y luego se trasladará a todo el mundo, con la ayuda de sus hermanos de Congregación, Sociedad que será fundada en 1854 y que en sus inicios se llamaría Sociedad de San Francisco de Sales. San Juan Bosco dedica su vida a los jóvenes, escribe muchos libros, impulsa la creación de talleres, escuelas, oratorios y plantea un nuevo sistema educativo: el Sistema Preventivo. Este sistema resume la filosofía educativa de Juan Bosco en tres palabras: Razón, Religión y Amor. Para él es imposible educar a un joven por medio de la razón, si no se lo ama, se entiende sus problemas y se lo apoya a resolverlos, con la ayuda y la iluminación de Dios. En 1872, funda, conjuntamente con María Mazzarello, la Comunidad de las Hijas de María Auxiliadora. Congregación que desempeñará un trabajo similar al de San Juan Bosco, pero con mujeres. Para 1875, es decir tres años más tarde, envía el primer grupo de misioneros a la A rgentina y los años siguiente, los misioneros seguirán siendo enviados a varias partes del mundo, para t r a b a j a r p o r sus destinatarios preferenciales: los pobres y los jóvenes y para cre a r una sociedad más libre, más equitativa y más cristiana. Don Bosco muere el 31 de enero de 1888.



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